What has been your experience of flexible working?
Anonymous asked a question to Eunice Amor P.
Category: Work Life Balance
Date asked: Wednesday, April 5, 2023
Last reviewed: Friday, May 19, 2023
Gysbertus E.
Project Validation Manager, Systems Engineer, Operations Manager- Sydney
Hi there. Thanks for your interest. Flexible working is definitely possible. And, it has benefits and disadvantages from my personal experience. For an Engineering Team, it is difficult to leave the face-to-face component out from your work. As long as you are being responsible, Alstom allows you to balance it for the most efficient outcome for both you and the team. So, we discuss things like this with our manager because no topic is taboo at Alstom.
Friday, May 19, 2023
Eunice Amor P.
Interface Manager SIG&COM
Work-life balance is very important for one's mental, emotional, and physical health. With my experience at Alstom, my manager is open to flexible working, and with my role, sometimes I need to adjust my working hours depending on the needs of the project. And currently, I am taking a postgraduate degree, and I don't have difficulty balancing both as my manager supports me well in this endeavour.
Friday, May 19, 2023
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